
Frantic Runner

Can Running Cause Varicose Veins? (Medical Expert's View)

Varicose veins are chronic venous insufficiency caused by weak valves in the legs’ veins. They are extremely painful. Blood reverse flow can weaken valves and cause blood to pool around your ankles. Do you want to know if running causes varicose veins? If yes, look no further.


Yes, high-impact activities or running can cause varicose veins. Weak valves and vein disease cause it. Fast running may worsen the symptoms of varicose veins or increase the risk of developing new ones.


This article explains the causes of varicose veins and how to prevent vein diseases. Some exercise can improve vein health without amplifying leg pain. However, consult a vein specialist for good results. Stay tuned and keep reading to discover additional health benefits for your leg!

What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are swollen blood vessels that appear under the skin’s surface. They slow blood flow in veins and cause blue and purple bulges on feet, legs, and ankles. They can be painful but not dangerous.


Severe varicose veins can lead to serious health issues like blood clots. Treatment for this condition encompasses multiple options, such as injections, laser therapy, or surgery.

What Are The Causes Of Varicose Veins?

When varicose veins turn blue, there is an issue in blood pumping, which involves the blood moving from and back to the heart.  Some common causes are given below:

    • A family history of varicose veins increases the likelihood of developing them.
    • As veins age, they lose elasticity and weaken, increasing the risk.
    • Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause heighten women’s risk for the onset of varicose veins.
    • Extra blood production during pregnancy increases pressure on veins, especially in the legs.
    • Excess weight puts additional pressure on veins, especially in the lower body.
    • Jobs or activities requiring long standing or sitting periods increase pressure in veins.
    • A sedentary lifestyle can lead to poor circulation, the most contributing factor.

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    • Previous vein injuries can damage valves and walls.
    • A history of DVT can damage veins and lead to varicose veins.
    • Wearing tight clothing restricts blood flow and contributes to varicose veins.

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If you feel severe pain, schedule a consultation with a doctor.

Can Running Make Current Varicose Veins Worse?

According to experts, high-impact exercises can worsen existing varicose veins. Other factors affecting vein rigor include age, obesity, genetics, prolonged sitting, and vascular diseases.


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If you feel painful veins in your legs after running, consider lower-impact activities or wearing compression socks. Listen to your body and consider alternative activities.


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Symptoms Of Varicose Veins

These are some painful symptoms of varicose veins including:


    • Varicose veins turn into dark purple or blue veins, or similar to skin color.
    • Painful symptoms include achy or heavy legs.
    • You can feel burning and throbbing.
    • The most common symptom is muscle cramping.
    • Swelling in the lower legs.
    • Heavy legs, swollen ankles, pain, and night cramps.

If varicose vein symptoms are not visible, go with minimally invasive procedures for varicose vein surgery.

What are the Best Exercises For Varicose Veins?

Many good varicose vein exercises help push blood toward the heart and maintain good circulation. Cardio is the most effective exercise for reducing the appearance and unpleasant symptoms of varicose veins. Take a look!

1. Walking

Regular walking pumps the calf muscle. During walking, veins close temporarily and directs blood back towards the heart.

2. Calf raises

The calf raises uses muscles to lift feet off the floor. They enhance mobility and effectiveness.


They are especially beneficial for those unable to walk, who can perform them from seated or standing positions.

3. Ankle Pumps

Ankle pumps are versatile exercises that can be done while watching a movie, sitting at a desk, or lying in bed.


They aim to increase leg blood flow and aid mobility impairments. This can help you to recover your ankle in no time.

4. Swimming

Swimming is the best exercise for all varicose veins exercises. It benefits arthritis patients and those with varicose veins because of its low-impact nature and natural compression effect.


It also pumps blood and reduces the risk of varicose veins. It keeps you physically active and fit.

Avoiding These Exercises

Avoid physical activities that decrease leg circulation or pressure veins. Engaging in weight lifting, running, squats, and sit-ups can exert pressure on veins and joints.


Medical experts recommend lighter weights and increased reps for those at risk of developing varicose veins.


To encourage healthy blood flow, perform squats in short reps and combine them with aerobic activity. Avoid sit-ups and crunches, it can make your symptoms worsen.

Why You Should Use Compression Stockings?

Compression socks or stockings are elastic hosiery. They support healthy blood circulation and prevent various health conditions like chronic venous deficiency, spider veins, and varicose veins.


 If you feel bulging veins in your legs after running, these stockings compress the surface of veins and gives you comfort.


Wearing compression stockings in the morning is crucial for maintaining proper vein valve function.


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They can alleviate symptoms of vein-related conditions, such as swollen ankles, heavy legs, fatigue, and night cramps. CEP Women’s Running Compression Tall Socks 4.0 are the best ones available in the market today.


This article covers in-depth information about whether running causes varicose veins. High-impact running can cause them, but changing your lifestyle and wearing compression socks can help cure them.


If you face this issue, buy Zesnah Tech+ Compression Socks and enjoy safe running!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Exercise can reduce varicose vein discomfort, improve circulation, and tone muscles, but preventing them is challenging.

Varicose veins can form due to increased blood pressure, age, pregnancy, obesity, prolonged sitting, lack of activity, or a family history of varicose veins.

Treadmills benefit fitness centers as they help push blood through veins, reducing pressure on varicose veins.

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