
Frantic Runner

Why Is Running So Hard For Me? (15 Easy Tips For Beginners)

Running is a high-impact workout to get used to. Amateur runners would tell you running is hard and we’re here to tell you that it is not.


Running can exert a lot of pressure on joints and muscles in your lower body. And if you don’t start hydrated or end it with a post-run snack, you have a strong chance of developing a headache or nausea, to say the least.


Running can be hard in the beginning due to a lack of motivation, workout intensity, or boring routes. Running with an empty stomach, dehydration, overdoing the mileage and lack of aerobic base can worsen it.


But don’t let that discourage you from the newly found hobby of running because it is great for your hamstrings and more. Read these easy tips to make your running game a cakewalk

Why Is Running Hard for Beginners?

Running puts a force 2-3 times your body weight leading to increased heart rate, and demand for oxygen intake. And since you started running, you might ask why is running so hard in the beginning. That is because you just started running.


Your leg muscles, specifically hamstrings and calf muscles need to get used to the pace without getting fatigued. But do not let that discourage you. Start slow, and gradually pick up the pace.


Related Article: “Will Running Lose Or Build Muscle? (11 Ways To Prevent It)

What Are The Benefits Of Running?

There are many benefits of running but we are going to stick with physical and social benefits. Read them out below:

1. Better Cardiovascular Health

Running for ten minutes daily reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, and heart-related problems by upto fifty percent.

If your heart rate skyrockets, and you are suffering from chronic diseases, you need to join a running program, this instant.

2. Sleep Better at Night

Running triggers endorphins, these neurotransmitters can help lower your stress, and prevent sleep apnea.

Once you become a certified runner, and work on your rest-activity rhythm, you can enjoy a night of better sleep.

3. Better Knee and Back Health

Running gets the juices to your joints and keeps them lubricated for the entire run. This can help prevent the chances of osteoarthritis and scoliosis.

Related Article: “Is Running Bad For Scoliosis? (Expert’s Insight)

4. Enhanced Memory

Another great feat of running is enhanced memory. Running helps produce cathepsin-B, a protein responsible for nerve cell production.

5. Reduced Risk of Upper Respiratory Infections

Exercising for five days a week can help you avoid getting sick of upper respiratory disorders by 43%.

Related Article:9 Functional Ways to Start Running After Quitting Smoking

6. Prevents Fatigue

If you feel fatigued or burned out, a regular run can improve your physical and mental well-being.

7. Weight Management

Running can help you get slim and slender. In fact, for every 30 minutes of running, you can lose 250 to 365 calories, and more if you become an ultra-marathoner.

Related Article: “5 Amusing Facts For Runners Being So Skinny (Expert’s View)

8. Enhanced Lung Function

Running can help you clear up your lungs, and improve their airflow.

9. Saves You from Chronic Diseases

Regular intense exercise, like running, saves you from the risk of chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and stroke.

10. Improved Joint Health

Running can benefit knee health and cartilage by increasing joint lubrication through compression. It also helps with weight loss, which reduces strain on the knees.


Related Article: “8 Best Knee Braces For Runners (Handpicked By Experts)

11. Better Immune Function

Running initially increases white blood cells and hormones during exercise, then decreases them afterward. Moderate runs, lasting about an hour, boost immunity, But longer or intense runs may weaken it temporarily, especially for those with weaker immune systems.


To reduce illness risk, focus on sleep, nutrition, vaccination, and hygiene, particularly after strenuous workouts.

12. Improved Blood Circulation

Running for 30 minutes can lower your cholesterol and blood pressure levels. It minimizes the load on your heart and better blood circulation. Also, runners beat the odds of heart disease by 35 to 55%.

13. Enhanced Self-Esteem

Running improves your cognitive skills and your analytical thinking.

14. Increased Longevity

Running is the only exercise that improves your life expectancy by 25%-40% and saves you from fatal diseases like heart attacks.

15. Better Social Life

It is nice to have friends with mutual hobbies, and running does that great. When you go out for a run, you’ll be able to make friends along the route.

Easy Tips For Beginners

Now that you know why is it so hard for me to run a mile, you can do something about it. As a beginner runner, take these tips as a crash course to go from zero to hero:

- Go For Safer Routes

Run on safer, and traffic-free routes. If you run in the dark, go for the route with light. Run against the traffic for enhanced visibility.


Related Article: “Running With Or Against Traffic? (+7 Tips For Road Safety)

- Warm Up And Cool Off

New runners should always warm up before going on a mentally challenging run. Try to get a feel of what running feels like before you pick up the pace. By that I mean, you should do stretches like high knees, heel flicks, and side-stepping.


Doing stretches that you hold for 45-60 seconds after you finish running can make your muscles longer, help you recover, and make it less likely for the risk of injury.


Related Article: “Can You Run With A Broken Toe? (Research And Evidence-Based)

- Don't Run Everyday

You need to get used to the new regimen of running to strengthen your muscles. So, there is no need to run everyday to prove that you are the new hot-shot runner in town.


Start by running consistently for three or four times a week. And if that’s not hard on your tendon muscles, turn the dial up to five days a week. Avoid rushing or running too fast, and do not be the first to ask, why am I suddenly struggling to run?


Related Article: “13 Astonishing Benefits Of Running 3 Times A Week

- Fuel Up Before Running

Start easy running with a well-fed stomach. Ensure you get snacks rich with carbs, like pasta, bagels, bananas, or energy bars.

Time your meals, and eat up hours before your run-off to digest and improve your energy levels down to your leg muscles.

Also, stay hydrated. Do not compromise on that especially if it’s a hot day, and keep a water bottle with you.

You can pit stop at a cafe if your legs feel exhausted or if you start to feel nauseous.


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- Slow Down On Hills

Hills are tough to get over, even for pro runners, so it is ok if you’re not able to get past them on time. For every fifty feet you climb, you’ll get about 15 seconds slower. So, focus more on consistent effort rather than speed.

If you’re worn out, slow down, catch your breath, and take it easy. Otherwise, you might ask why is it so hard to breathe while running. It is not a race, it is progress.

- It’s Ok To Skip A Leg Day

Running doesn’t have to be a solid commitment, and it’s ok to get rest days for illness or other plans.


Listen to your body for once, and resume where you left off the next day or later, your physique will not break. It doesn’t matter if you broke the streak, you have plenty of running to do, when you feel like it.

- It Doesn't Matter How Far You Go

What matters is you’re consistently working on building a fitness physique, and I’m proud of your progress, no matter how small. As time passes, you will get better at it.

You can also get a camera and document your new-found hobby of running.

- Switch To Running/Walking

If you’re feeling tired of running, you can switch to walking. Try to catch some breath, unwind your legs and you’ll be ready to switch back to running. You can even do it daily.

Going for a walk could help you fully recover from injuries and fatigue. Plus, you can put on some good music or podcasts to get through.

- Include Cross Training (Spice Things Up)

Long runs can be boring, if not stressful. Adding cross-training or workouts to your weekly run-up program can improve your physical activity and cardiovascular system.

Cross-training/strength training is important because it helps prevent injuries without cutting your mileage. It also improves your running speed tremendously.

- Go With A Solid Plan

Planning is the key, and without a training plan, your running can be a chore. Let’s be honest, we all have a stamina limit, and it’s smart to not go beyond it.

Your plan as a fresh runner should be running three days a week, and taking it slow before starting with long-distance running.

Related Article: “Long-Distance Running Vs Sprinting (7 In-Depth Comparisons)

- Run To New Playlists Or Podcasts

Sometimes, all you need is inspiration. For most runners in my block, good music is a great excuse for running. If I save a new Spotify playlist of songs or favorite podcasts, I would run with my ears plugged, and listen to music with my feet in motion.


Related Article: “Is Running Without Music Beneficial? (7 Interesting Facts)

- Make Running Social

Chatting while running might make your running sound more difficult than it already is, but it is not. Think about it, if you run with a friend, and have a nice chat, you might get to the end of the route faster than usual.

If you do not have a running buddy, you can still join a running club like British Athletics online. And they’ll get you a runner buddy. These clubs are not exclusive and offer support to all runners. It’s also a great option to make friends, and people that share the same passion.

- Feeling Sore? It's Normal

If you get Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) that means you are putting too much work on your leg muscles. Slow down and they will ease up. And if that doesn’t work, you can talk to your physical therapist.

- Get The Right Gear

Runners should always get running shoes with ample cushioning, durability, a roomy toe box, and zero drop.


Related Article: “9 Best Running Shoes For Forefoot Strikers (Road-Tested)


If you go with regular shoes, you might run into foot disorders. Not only that but your shoe will wear out, instantly.


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Your outfit shouldn’t compromise your running. That is why running shorts are a must-have. The premium built ones fit nicely and come with sweat-wicking technology so you focus on running rather than sweating.


Related Article: “7 Best Long-Sleeve Running Shirts (Backed By Research)


If you carry a phone or essentials on the run, you might get an armband or a running belt. Depending on your running baggage, you can go with either. For runners that would pack a phone only, an armband is good. And for those that desire to bring a phone, plus water bottles, a running belt.


Related Article: “Running Belt vs Armband (Detailed Comparison)

- Have A Positive Mindset

Most runners give up after a week or two and that’s not right. If you truly aspire to be a runner, you should take on a marathon (13.1 miles run). Believe in yourself and your cardiovascular system, and maybe, just maybe sign up for a race.

Related Article: “How To Train For A 100-Mile Run? (A Step-By-Step Guide)


Running is simple yet sweaty to get through. If you take a hilly route, know that every runner slows down 15 seconds for every 50 feet through the hilly area. And if you think it’s difficult there are good reasons for running being so hard for you, as mentioned above.


Pair up your favorite running shoes with our “8 Best Cushioned Running Socks (+ Complete Buying Guide)” for injury prevention and enhanced supports during long runs.


If you like to start fresh, do check out How To Start Running by J. Utah on Amazon.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Running can be hard to enjoy due to many factors including workout intensity, lack of motivation, or boring routes. And if you start running with an empty stomach or dehydration, it can be a hard task to get over with. You might wonder why is running harder than cardio, and the reason is that you’re not doing it right.

There are multiple reasons for this. Firstly, there is a lack of aerobic base. You need to be consistent. Secondly, don’t push it. If you overdo your mileage and don’t stay hydrated post-run, you will struggle to improve. Take it easy, go with a plan, make friends, and trust the process. You got this.

Yes, you will, eventually. You can take the same route and distance. Work around it, and gradually build up fast pacing. Sooner or later, you will complete the route faster than before. It takes complete dedication and time.

Not at all. Running is simple but sweaty. It can be tedious if you push yourself too much, and fatal if you don’t get enough rest or do warmups.

If you want to turn up your running, there are many ways to do it. First, take longer routes, and make sure they have uphills and forests. Set the timer to reach a specific destination.

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