
Frantic Runner

Can Running Increase Height? (7 Useful Ways To Achieve It)

Have you ever felt your height is too short when you jump to pick things from your high shelves or try to hit a goal in a basketball hoop in the first shot?

You probably heard some advice from your loved ones, for playing basketball or football and running daily. If so, you’re not alone! I mentioned these games for height growth and they involve running too. So the real question is, does running increase height or make you look taller?

People believe in the myth that running is the real solution to increasing your height. But there’s no evidence for that! Running does not directly grow your height nor make you tall. Running helps prevent limitations in height growth by increasing your growth hormone.

 This article will answer your main concern, “Can running increase your height?”. You will also know about the healthy ways running will help you transform into your dream height.

Does Running Boost Your Height?

The height is determined by genetics, which means DNA is the real foundation. You have seen many tall parents have tall children, but short parents have tall children. It proves that we can’t completely rely on or fight with nature and biological miracles.


As discussed, other factors also play a significant part in your height. If you genuinely want to increase your height with good body shape, focus on two factors: Running and Nutrition!


Working on these two things will generate drastic results in your body. Your dream height, attractive body shape, beautiful skin, healthy mind, and your body functions well. You’ll get everything that doesn’t require any fortune.


As one of the most effective exercises, running can boost our overall health. However, it is incorrect to say that running directly makes us taller, but it can improve our posture, which plays a part in increasing our height.


When we run, our body releases a lot of growth hormones that help us grow taller. You will also feel a strengthening in muscles around your spine that contributes to proper posture. Moreover, running heals our micro-fractures, which makes the process more convenient for bone lengthening and heightening.

Can Running Increase Height In Adults?

If you are entering adulthood or completing puberty, running cannot help you grow taller. But again, as we told you, genetics work entirely on some people. Most people cannot increase their height after 18 or 21 because our bones growth plates close as we age. Also, it depends on the way your body responds to internal & external factors.


However, taking proper nutrition and running in your childhood or teenage can help maximize your height.


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If we keep working hard and stay focused, we will reach our goals quickly. So, if you’re still in your teens and want to boost your height to look exquisite, you must decide now. Start making efforts for yourself by following the tips mentioned in this guide.


As we age, our body muscles usually start contracting. Hence, aerobic running improves your muscular health and strength for better height. Here are 7 indirect valuable ways to increase your height by running everyday:

1. Running Stimulates Your Growth Hormones

Research has shown that running increases our growth hormone production, which helps in increasing our height. The right diet can help the body produce these hormones at their fullest.

Growth hormones are crucial factors for the development of body systems. They help build your bones and muscles and highly impact your height. Their stimulation prevents the bones’ growth plates from getting close, thus increasing your height.

With high-intensity running exercise, your body releases a lot of growth hormones in a shorter time. Hence, run at high speed if you’re willing to increase your height.

2. Running Revives Your Bone Health & Makes You Look Younger

Your spine has intervertebral discs that work as shock absorbers. However, their function weakens with age. Experts conducted a research to measure the health of intervertebral disc in middle-aged long-term runners. It reveals that running reforms the height and strength of intervertebral discs in middle-aged men.


Studies show that regular exercise or running keeps people looking and feeling younger and more flexible for longer.


A prevalent myth is that running is bad for the knees. However, an enriched diet with running will keep improving your bone density and never make your body look older.


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3. Build A Daily Morning Running Routine

Regular running and jogging in the morning sunlight would let your body produce a natural resource of vitamin D. It helps your body consume calcium more significantly. It also nurtures, strengthens, and lengthens bones.


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Prepare a night before; pack your running shirt, pair of shorts, headphones, water bottle, shoes, keys, and everything you need. It’s a great way to build a morning running habit, for a healthier life.


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In addition, long-term and regular running can delay degenerative conditions that cause height loss.

4. Maintain Proper Posture While Running

Running helps maintain proper posture, reduces the pain and stress of your neck, back, and joints, and elevates your physical height.


When walking, standing, or running, you have to maintain good posture, your back should always be straight. This habit will help you look taller and more confident, as slouching makes you look shorter.


While running, your muscles get stretched, improving your body tone and height. Whether you’re a surgeon standing for long hours or an office employee and student sitting for long hours, running can improve your poor posture and life easier.


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5. Run to Reduce Stress and Strengthen Brain Health

All of us desire for mental stability and peace in life. Running is one of the best solutions that can reduce depression and uplift your mood instantly.

Researchers conducted a 12-week running program for adults with complex mood disorders. The study concluded that aerobic exercise can greatly improve mood symptoms and reduce depression levels.

Your stress can ruin a peaceful sleep. A restless night makes your entire day tiring and exhausting. Most athletes claim that running makes them feel and sleep better. Running, this simple exercise, can bless us in many ways, but we aren’t aware of it.

A study indicates that exercise is an effective treatment for depression.

When you are stress-free, you can easily focus on running and your healthy diet. This way, you’ll become a high-energy, fully confident, and naturally taller person. 

6. Running With The Right Pair Of Shoes Helps In Quick Growth

You can become naturally tall by wearing everyday running shoes, fulfilling your heart’s deepest desire.

A suitable, high-quality, and supportive pair of shoes can help improve your running speed. It takes up less energy, so you can effortlessly run for an extended time.

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7. Running Loses Weight & Helps Acquire A Sought-After Physique

Running is highly beneficial for weight loss and attaining a linear and strong body tone. It refrains your body from putting on extra weight and burns all calories more effortlessly than heavy weight lifting.

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Since it is a high-impact and full-body exercise, you don’t have to do indoor workouts that require more time and energy.

After adopting daily running habits, you will see incredible changes in your body, looking thinner and taller. Research shows that running helps to lose weight faster than walking since it requires more energy.

Useful Tips To Start Running For Increasing Your Growth Hormones

  • Never run right after eating. Do it after 2 hours.

  • Stayed hydrated throughout the day. Carry a water bottle with you during your run.

  • Consume a nutritious diet of carbohydrates, healthy fats and protein.

  • Incorporate strength training along with running to spice up the exercise routine.

  • Avoid listening to music while running. Stay aware of your surroundings.

Related Article: “Is Running Without Music Beneficial? (7 Interesting Facts)

  • Run at busy places, like parks, and wear high-end shoes.

Related Article: “9 Best Running Shoes For Narrow Feet (+ Factors To Consider)

  • Take interval breaks to rest your body and drink water.


So, does running make you tall? Well, not directly.


Running stretches your body, stimulates growth hormones, and increases bone length and, eventually, your height. Choosing the right running apparel and especially running shoes can help you achieve your goals more efficiently.


Related Article: “11 Best Running Shoes For Hip Pain (+ Buying Guide)


For more information, read this book: “Increase your Height from Home: 15 Different Exercises to Increase your Height from Home.”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Only running cannot stop height growth directly. Factors that might slow your height growth are genetics, improper diet, and health issues.

Sprinting or any exercise cannot help increase your height after the closing of your growth plates. The results of sprinting on your height can be slow, depending on how your body functions. However, it contributes to overall fitness by boosting growth hormone production.

No evidence suggests that running makes you taller during puberty. Running cannot make you taller if you have fully grown or become an adult. Height is largely determined by your growth plates and genetics.

  • Get enough sleep
  • Add a health-rich diet to your routine
  • Take nutritional supplements (vitamin D, calcium, etc)
  • Perform high-intensity exercise like running.
  • Consider sports like swimming and playing basketball or volleyball.


  • Bamboo shoot
  • Banana
  • Beans
  • Quinoa
  • Almonds
  • Eggs
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